Campaigners are criticising the move because the lifetime limits will apply from age 18 impacting around a quarter of a million adults under the age of 65
I’m Nick Meir keeping you up to date with news that disability campaigners are urging the government to rethink proposed changes to social care funding. MPs will be debating the Health and Care Bill, which include plans to exclude means-tested council support payments from a new £86,000 lifetime limit on costs.Campaigners are criticising the move because the lifetime limits will apply from age 18 impacting around a quarter of a million adults under the age of 65 who rely on social care. Under the new proposals people with savings of between £20,000 and £100,000 will have to make a contribution to their care, depending on levels of savings. We’ll keep you up to date on this and other developments, here on Care Radio