Over 90 per cent of Black and Asian respondents in a recent BMA survey said they believed racism in the medical profession was an issue.
I’m Matt Rosser keeping you up to date with news that in a BMA survey of more than 2,000 doctors and medical students, just over 90 per cent of Black and Asian respondents, said they believed racism in the medical profession was an issue. 73 per cent of mixed ethnicity, and 64 per cent of white respondents agreed.Three quarters of those surveyed said they had been subjected to at least one incident of racist behaviour in the past two years,One participant - a junior doctor of Asian background - said that they had abandoned plans to specialise in emergency medicine owing to ‘continued racist behaviour from patients and their relatives’. The study will be published in full alongside a report into anti-racism in medicine in April, and we’ll keep you up to date on this and other developments, here on Care Radio.